Social Entrepreneur & Learning Strategist
25+ years of industry & nonprofit experience in innovative service & product development and systems redesign
Alfred had joined the National Leadership Team at BUILD to pursue their vision of a world where all students—regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or neighborhood—develop skills and connections to achieve economic power and freedom. Alfred led the digital strategy of the blended learning environment that integrated core curriculum, competency-based assessments and teacher training for a comprehensive entrepreneurship program.
Before joining BUILD, Alfred dedicated his efforts towards community-led systems change with high schools as the fulcrum at XQ Institute, part of the Emerson Collective. He led the professional learning community within the network of schools across the country to actualize their bold ideas and fostered the partnership with the Carnegie Foundation of the Advancement of Teaching to build a new architecture for learning to replace the current time-based system.
While at the Buck Institute for Education (now PBLWorks), Alfred led the marketing and development of their integrated Project Based Learning teacher experience that offered services and tools to guide educators in their journey toward sustained, high-quality PBL practice.
Alfred also taught math and physics at High Tech High where he used his engineering background and industry experience to design classroom projects and educator workshops. Alfred started his career with Andersen Consulting doing business/internet consulting and later joined a Bay Area venture fund, CreateLabs.
Alfred currently resides in Minneapolis with his wife and daughter.
Novak Leadership Institute Speaker
Missouri, 2018ACTE CareerTech Vision Talk
New Orleans, 2015UIX: Prototyping the Future Speaker
San Leandro, 2014SXSWEdu Speaker
Austin, 2013PBL World Australia Keynote
Sydney, 2013International PBL Symposium Speaker
Singapore, 2012CELL: PBL Institute Keynote
Indiana, 2010 & 2011Texas High School Project Speaker
Dallas, 2006